Become Part of Cheshire’s Returnable Cup Club

Cheshire’s returnable cup scheme is an eco-friendly system designed to replace single-use coffee cups with a more durable, reusable alternative. Help us in reducing single-use cup waste in our region today.

What is a Returnable Cup Scheme?

The UK is estimated to spend over £1 billion on coffee per year, with the average Briton drinking at least two cups each day. We can’t keep going on creating this level of single-use waste. Switching to returnable cups could save millions of them from our landfills each year. Here’s how it works:

  1. Cafes and coffee shops provide customers with beverages in reusable cups instead of single-use paper or plastic ones.
  2. After enjoying your drink, you can return your cup to any participating businesses. These cups will then be washed and made ready for reuse.

100% recyclable, Cheshire Cup Club’s returnable cups are made from recycled materials and are designed to last for at least five years.

Be Part of the Solution

Join Eco Communities Today

“It cannot be right to manufacture billions of objects that are used for a matter of minutes, and then are with us for centuries”

– Roz Savage

single-use coffee cups are littered every single day in the UK.
of all UK coffee cups are recycled — less than 1 in 400
0 Million +
coffee cups are sent to landfill each year.
0+ Years
Disposable coffee cups take 20-30 years to break down.

How You Can Get Involved

Whether you’re a business or an individual, you can take part and join the Cheshire Cup Club. If you love a brew on the move, for a small one-time fee you can do your part for the environment. For business owners, Cheshire Cup Club can be a way to increase footfall while also doing your part for the planet.

The key to the Cheshire returnable cup scheme revolves around its cyclical nature, whereby cups are returned to be re-used up to 500 more times. To join the Cheshire Cup Club scheme, you need to pay a one-time £2.50 donation.

Eco Communities own all of the cups in circulation as part of Cheshire Cup Club. Are you interested in joining the Cheshire Cup Club? Get in touch with a member of our team ( to find out more about how you can do your part.

“There must be a better way to make the things we want, a way that doesn’t spoil the sky, or the rain or the land.”

Paul McCartney

Check Out Our Cheshire Cup Club Businesses

If you’re looking for companies who take part in our returnable cup scheme, check out our map below. This shows where every participating business is — so head down and show your support today!

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Donate Today

We rely on volunteers as well as the generous donations from the fantastic companies and individuals in our community. Find out more: