When it comes to the environment, time is running out.
Eco Communities is a brand-new organisation started by members of Friends of the Earth Chester & District.
The aim of the group is to support Cheshire West and Chester Council in raising awareness of climate change in the region.
Be it via talks, like our June Virtual Eco Fair, or through the arts at our CLOUDS Gathering event, we utilise various mediums to get the Eco Communities message across.
Alison Knott, long term campaigner with Friends of the Earth and valued part of Eco Communities, came up with the idea of an arts-based event named CLOUDS or
The CLOUDS Gathering is an online event where environmental campaigners work with artists to combine our passions, to focus on the change we need to be and see in the world.
Through music, theatre, poetry, visual arts, and many more, we have begun to create brand new stories based around the environment.
We were overjoyed at our July event to be able to welcome artists from the local area, across the UK, and from as far afield as Newfoundland, Canada.
All the participants brought their own slant to the theme, embracing diverse formats of creation and performance.
From this bright beginning, we want to reach out to a wider audience and community.
We are inviting submissions from artists and craftspeople, based around the theme of the environment.
We are looking to engage more people with the threats and opportunities afforded by this pivotal moment in humanity’s relationship with our planet.
We hope the competition will be a way to encourage people to use their creativity and express their feelings about the environment in these uncertain times.
Entries are accepted from all ages living within Cheshire West.
We have two categories, under 18’s and 18+. Submissions can be in any art from the entrant wishes, from the traditional arts such as drawing/painting, to craft-based arts, through to a short story, poem, song, monologue, or short play.
Submissions should be sent to Helenchesterfoe@hotmail.com before the 31st October 2020.
Winning submissions will form part of a CLOUDS Gathering later in the year.
All the events from July’s CLOUDS Gathering and the Virtual Eco Fair talks are still available to be accessed anytime, for free HERE.